Versatile Blogger of The Year!

When I started this blog, it was just a canvas to express my thoughts, concerns, and my writings. I always wanted to moonlight as a writer, romance writer to be exact. However, writing dialogue and character building never really interested me. The dialogue and characters were always interesting in my head, but not exactly on paper. How could I write about a character when I didn’t really know who I was? At that point in my life, I had 2 kids, 2 years apart. I was hormonal, and I felt like my world shrunk to just my two little (loud, and rambunctious) girls.

I was feeling more like my old self in July 2011. What fascinated me was the fashion blogging community. Instead of buying People Magazine, Lucky and Cosmopolitan, I figured why not be creative in what I’m wearing from day to day. Why not share my ideas and outfits whether right or wrong? Being fashion minded is what motivated me to lose my baby weight and put me on the road to discover what type of fashion really works with my new body type.

A week ago, I was nominated for “Versatile Blogger of The Year” from The GSB. I am truly honored. I have not been blogging long – maybe 4 months. I know I have a long way to go. But I’m having fun and that’s what matters. Thank you for going on this journey of discovery with me.

With the Versatile Blogger of The Year award comes a list of rules. And these rules are:

1. Thanking source of the nomination:
THE GSB – You are Amazing. Thank you so much!

2. Posting a Link to the Award:

3. Nominate 10-15 other bloggers for Versatile Blogger of The Year and letting them that with the honor, there are rules

4. Finally, state 7 facts about oneself.

My 10 Nominees are:

1. Creative Fashion Glee
Glee is a lovely woman who just celebrated her 1st Wedding Anniversary. I love her great outfits and her style tips. Many of her fashion finds are really affordable and easily incorporated with any outfit.

2. Bravoe Runway
Bessie is a strong and diligent woman. While work full time and running a fashion blog, she also graduate with a Masters in Business this year. Her blog features reviews on beauty products, outfit of the day posts, and even DIY projects. She is really sweet and open about any fashion trend.

3. Really Petite
Annie is so pretty! I love her work outfit posts. Her wardrobe is largely from Ann Taylor and Ann Taylor Loft items which I adore because those are the brands my closet is consisted of. I really like the idea of using Annie’s experiences to better my own. Her reviews are clear and her photos express her style.

4. Fash Boulevard
Anna is a southern Alabama girl living in the fast life of L.A. Her style is young, sexy, and fashionable. With style icons like Lauren Conrad, Anna’s photos expresses a fun and feminine fashion style. Her outfits are so fun and edgy. I love the energy she exudes through her outfits.

5. Sew Petite Gal
With an Etsy shop featuring her beautiful handcrafted jewelry creations, SPG is such a sweet blogger. I love her projects and her outfit reviews. You can tell she is truly a creative person with a sense of fashion. Her jewelry is very ladylike especially the strands of pearls (she even shows you how to create it).

6. La Belle Mel
I found about Mel when she was voted Best Outfit for Color Brigade challenge about 1 month ago. While on, I came across Mel’s shopping finds and reviews. Very informative and thorough. Her outfits are exactly what I would wear, so I can totally relate to her fashion. It’s hard to find common ground. You might like how certain outfits look but it might not necessarily be something you would wear.

7. Mix And Match Fashion
Tara is another Color Brigade winner, several weeks ago. Her color palette is awesome, very eye popping and tasteful. She’s a teacher so I love her casual work wear outfits. She makes me want to add more color to my wardrobe. I have never really commented on her posts, mostly enjoyed her blog from afar.

8. Hearty Chic
HeartyChic focuses on shopping and trends that are popping up anywhere and everywhere. Based in Montreal, Cananda, AshleyKCC is so on top of the game that every time I check out her blog, I spend at least an hour perusing it. Her informative collection of photos are magnetic and so stunning. I don’t know how she finds all those photos.

9. Searching For Middle Ground
Carrie is a newlywed who is enjoying married life and the joys of homeownership. I really like to read about her day to day activities whether it’s baking, decorating, or even little tidbits about her life. I think blogging is so fun because it opens doors and there’s no boundaries. We all take pleasure in little things in each other’s lives.

10. Integral Chic
Her IFB avatar is like a Japanese Darth Vader. Tiffany welcomed me to the IFB world. Her blog is filled with a sense of fashion that is fashion forward and very hip. I like her content and tend to just ghost her blog.

7 Facts About Dietingfashions

1. I do not know how to sing. I work in a karaoke store. We sell karaoke music and equipment. But I have no talent at all. People ask me to demo the equipment and I tell them, “I do not sing.” Alright, I sing in the shower or I hum, but I cannot carry a tune.

2. I was very artsy as a child. Won Honorable Mention in 1st Grade for my painting of an Ice Cream Cone. 2nd Grade, won a poetry contest. My poem The Witch and the Pumpkin was a memorable poem that my parents till this day still mentions to their friends. 5th Grade won Best Overall for my City Scape drawing. 6th Grade Honorable Mention for my Self Portrait. 10th Grade – 1st Place in Citywide Poetry Contest among High Schools.

3. I played the Violin for 10 years. It was not my first choice. I wanted to play the Flute. My dad signed me up for Violin Classes but it grew on me. I ended up also playing the Viola and Cello.

4. I didn’t pursue any artistic classes in college. I wanted to focus on graduating as early as possible. So in my 4 years at Tulane U, I received a Bachelors in Business Management, Business Marketing and a Minor in Pyschology. I had a plan and I stuck with it. Too bad it burned me out.

5. I know how to crochet. In high school, I earned extra money making crocheting scrunchies. I still need to finish a blanket. I am almost finished after 10 years of working on it.

6. My next splurge will be a Disney World Trip for 6 Adults and 2 Kids in December 2012. I begin the savings fund 01/01/2012. We want the whole shebang suite, the character dinners and shows, and the Christmas experience.

7. I have never won anything monetary in my life. I watch those E! shows that follows up on people who won the lottery. Sometimes they win twice. I know deep down I don’t have that luck. So in the meantime I work my butt off so I can hopefully retire earlier than my parents.

I hope everyone is having a great New Year’s Celebration. I am already hearing the fireworks bursting outside. Onward to 2012 with my set of resolutions, I hope everyone out there is ready for 2012! Happy New Year!

About dietingfashions

Diets and fashions are two of my favorite subjects. Both are something that I deal with on a daily basis.

Posted on December 31, 2011, in About Me and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 6 Comments.

  1. Awe thanks so much! I truly appreciate your support!

    Hope you have a happy new year!! : )

  2. Congratulations for the award, dear, and thank you so much for nominating me as well. You´re so sweet. I enjoy reading your blog and those 7 Facts About Dietingfashions are very inspiring. Happy new year and more blessings to your blogging career in 2012. 🙂

  3. I love reading personal tidbits about bloggers and it’s so cool that you wanted to be a romance writer. Thank you so much for the award! What a great way to start off the new year 🙂

    Happy New Year to you! May it be filled with joy and laughter!

  4. thank u! hope you’re having an awesome 2012 so far! =)

  5. Thank you so much for nominating me for the Versatile Blogger award. I really appreciate your support and like every Asian parent you also had your choice of Piano or Violin. I selected piano my brother by default had to learn violin. And…..he hated it! My parents are die-hard karaoke fans, we have a machine at home 😀 Happy New Year and all the best as you continue Dieting Fashions! You are doing a fantastic job!

  6. oh my goodness, you are so sweet. thank you so much, love. i hope you’re having a fabulous day. xo

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